


gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libev event loop.

gevent 是一个基于协程的 Python 网络库; 基于 greenletlibev 提供了一个高层次的同步接口; 王爷以为这是 Python 最出色的库之一.

About Libev

Libev (first released in 2007-11-12) is a high-performance event loop written in C, supporting eight event types

It uses a priority queue to manage timers and uses arrays as fundamental data structure. It has no artificial limitations on the number of watchers waiting for the same event.

It offers an emulation layer for libevent and optionally the same DNS, HTTP and buffer management (by reusing the corresponding libevent code through its emulation layer).


Create a Greenlet

New greenlets are spawned by creating a Greenlet instance and calling its start method. (The gevent.spawn() function is a shortcut that does exactly that).

The start method schedules a switch to the greenlet that will happen as soon as the current greenlet gives up control.

Error Handling

If there is an error during execution it won’t escape the greenlet’s boundaries. An unhandled error results in a stacktrace being printed, annotated by the failed function’s signature and arguments:

The traceback is asynchronously printed to `sys.stderr` when the greenlet dies.


To subclass a gevent.Greenlet, override its gevent.Greenlet._run() method and call Greenlet.__init__(self) in __init__

Terminating a Greenlet

Greenlets can be killed synchronously from another greenlet. Killing will resume the sleeping greenlet, but instead of continuing execution, a GreenletExit will be raised.

Greenlets 可以被其他 greenlet kill 掉. kill 操作会唤醒休眠 greenlet 的执行, 准确的说是, 此时会抛出 GreenletExit 异常

Caution: Use care when killing greenlets, especially arbitrary greenlets spawned by a library or otherwise executing code you are not familiar with. If the code being executed is not prepared to deal with exceptions, object state may be corrupted.

小心 当 kill greenlets 时要小心, 尤其是那些你并不熟悉的库创建的 greenlet. 如果执行的代码没有很好的处理异常, 那么对象的状态可能已经混乱了.


Hub, a special greenlet that runs the event loop.

               |  Main |
               |  Hub  |
                ^  ^  ^
      +--->-----+  |  +-----<-----+
      |            |              |
+----------+  +----------+  +----------+
| Greenlet |  | Greenlet |  | Greenlet |
+----------+  +----------+  +----------+

Event loop

Cooperative multitasking

It is using cooperative scheduling of the greenlets in a single OS process/thread.

Note that the greenlet need to voluntarily switch back to the event loop, any blocking call would block the event loop

在单进程/线程内使用协作式的调度; 注意 greenlet 需要自愿地切回到主事件循环, 另所有阻塞操作都会阻塞整个事件循环

Monkey Patch

from gevent import monkey


socket monkey-patch

When monkey patching, it is recommended to do so as early as possible in the lifetime of the process. If possible, monkey patching should be the first lines executed. Monkey patching later, especially if native threads have been created, `atexit` or `signal handlers` have been installed, or sockets have been created, may lead to unpredictable results including unexpected `LoopExit` errors.

建议在整个程序的生命周期中尽可能早地执行 monkey patching. 如果有可能, monkey patch 应该作为程序的第一行代码执行. 越晚执行, 尤其是当创建了原生线程,此时可能 `atexit` 或者信号处理函数已经被注册, 又或者 socket 被创建, 这些都会导致包括 `LoopExit` 在内的不期望的错误出现.


The combination of multiprocessing and gevent brings along certain OS-dependent pitfalls, among others

多进程和 gevent 的组合使用, 可能会带来一些操作系统依赖的错误, 比如

Be sure you understand these consequences before using this functionality, especially late in a program’s lifecycle. For a more robust solution to certain uses of child process, consider gipc.

Caution: Forking a child process that uses gevent, greenlets, and libev can have some unexpected consequences if the child does not immediately exec a new binary.

小心 如果 fork 一个使用了 gevent 的子进程, 且没有立即使用 exec 加载一个新程序, 那么 greenletlibev 可能会导致一些不期望的结果

As an example, do_magic will be called both in parent and child process.

import gevent

from gevent import monkey

import os, time

def do_magic():
    print 'magic...'

def main():
    g = gevent.spawn_later(1, do_magic)

    pid = os.fork()
    if pid != 0:  # parent


Subprocess support


To limit concurrency, use the gevent.pool.Pool class

Pros & Cons



Further Reading