在 Storm 中, 数据的计算模型是流(stream)的有向图,在 Storm 中名字是 topology, 一个由 Spout (数据源) 和 Bolt (对数据的处理) 组成的网络, 边由 Grouping 定义. 这个抽象背后会自动处理发送/接收消息, 序列化, 部署等任务.
A stream is an unbounded sequence of tuples that is processed and created in parallel in a distributed fashion.
Every stream is given an id when declared.
关键点: 流可以被并行的生成与处理.
A storm topology is a directed graph
of spouts and bolts.
来源 Storm: Distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation, Nathan Marz, in Twitter
Spouts are source of input data
Bolts are an abstraction to represent computation on the stream.
Spouts and bolts execute as many tasks across the cluster
来源 Storm: Distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation, Nathan Marz, in Twitter
When a tuple is emitted, which task does it go to?
Part of defining a topology is specifying for each bolt which streams it should receive as input
. A stream grouping defines how that stream should be partitioned among the bolt’s tasks.