

容错 Fault Tolerant

Fault-tolerance is essential. These two guarantees are required to be maintained in a general-purpose stream processing platform:

容错是必须的. 通用的流计算平台需保证以下 2 点

Storm, of course, provides both of these guarantees.

The core of Storm is an acking mechanism that can efficiently determine when a source tuple has been fully processed. Storm will replay tuples that fail to be fully processed within a topology-configurable timeout (defaults to 30 seconds). So the core mechanisms in Storm provide an at-least-once processing guarantee for data.

A Storm topology has a set of special “acker” tasks that track the DAG of tuples for every spout tuple. When an acker sees that a DAG is complete, it sends a message to the spout task that created the spout tuple to ack the message. You can set the number of acker tasks for a topology in the topology configuration using Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKERS. Storm defaults TOPOLOGY_ACKERS to one task per worker.

When a tuple is created in a topology, whether in a spout or a bolt, it is given a random 64 bit id. These ids are used by ackers to track the tuple DAG for every spout tuple.

Storm uses mod hashing to map a spout tuple id to an acker task. Since every tuple carries with it the spout tuple ids of all the trees they exist within, they know which acker tasks to communicate with.

An acker task stores a map from a spout tuple id to a pair of values.

Transactional Topologies

Storm 0.7.0 introduces transactional topologies, which build on Storm’s primitives to let you get fully fault-tolerant, exactly-once messaging semantics for your computations. This lets you do things like counting idempotently. More information on transactional topologies here: Transactional topologies

Finally, for other details on why Storm is fault-tolerant see this wiki page: Fault tolerance

Topology Isolation

Max Spout Pending

以下翻译自 “Storm @Twitter” 3.3.3 小节

Storm topologies 有一个 max spout pending 参数. 这个参数可以通过 yaml 文件中的 topology.max.spout.pending 参数来配置.

引入这个参数的初衷是做 rate limit, 流量控制;

这个参数限制了在 topologies 的任意时间点, pending tuple (还没有被 acked 或 failed) 的最大数量. 注意这个限制在 single spout task level 上, 而不是整个 topology level.

Caution 注意


Storm 用户遇到的一个问题就是如何设置合适的 max spout pending 值. 如果太小, 容易导致 topology 饥饿; 如果过大, 可能会因大量的失败和重试导致 topology 过载. 我们不得不通过多次调整来发现一个最佳值.

通常情况下, 增加 max spout pending 的值可以提升 topology 的吞吐量. 但在某些场景下, 降低这个值也可能获得吞吐量的提升. 呵呵 :-)


Automatic Back Pressure 反压

Introduced in Storm 1.0.0

This new feature is aimed for automatic flow control through the topology DAG since different components may have unmatched tuple processing speed. Currently, the tuples may get dropped if the downstream components can not process as quickly, thereby causing a waste of network bandwidth and processing capability.

In addition, it is difficult to tune the max.spout.pending parameter for best back-pressure performance. Another big motivation is that using max.spout.pending for flow control forces users to enable acking, which does not make sense.

Therefore, an automatic back pressure scheme is highly desirable.

Heron proposed a form of back pressure that does not rely on acking or max spout pending. Instead spouts throttle not only when max.spout.pending is hit, but also if any bolt has gone over a high water mark in their input queue, and has not yet gone below a low water mark again.

It is the intention to throttle the entire topology, all spouts. This is what Heron does and is intended to be a last resort, which is better then nothing, but not a truly final solution. The reason for this is that from the level of a single queue it is very difficult to know what is causing that congestion. STORM-907 is intended as a follow on that will analyze the topology, determine where there are loops and provide more of true back-pressure. But in the case of a loop, and storm does support loops, you have no way to determine which upstream part is causing slowness. And in fact it could be the bolt itself, and it needs to increase it's parallelism

Storm Backpressure 来源 Storm-886 Automatic Back Pressure

Further Readings