Typically use key-based
hash or range
partitioning to assign data to nodes in the cluster.
A MongoDB sharded cluster consists of the following components:
: Each shard
contains a subset of the sharded data. Each shard can be deployed as a replica set
: The mongos
acts as a query router, providing an interface between client applications and the sharded cluster.
config servers
: Config servers store metadata and configuration settings for the cluster. As of MongoDB 3.4, config servers must be deployed as a replica set (CSRS).
A good shard key has
sufficient cardinality
distributed writes (avoid hot spots
on inserts)
targeted reads (“query isolation”)
Generally, the fastest queries in a sharded environment are those that mongos
route to a single shard, using the shard key
and the cluster meta data from config server
Note: When choosing a shard key for time series data, consider compound shard key {arbitrary value, incrementing value}