only a single value may be chosen
A server never learn a value has been chosen unless it really has been
Some proposed value is eventually chosen
If a value is chosen, servers eventually learn about it
Among three roles, Acceptor is most important, they decide how to choose a single value.
The easiest way to choose a value is to have a single acceptor agent. A proposer sends a proposal to the acceptor, who chooses the first proposed value that it receives.
最简单的实现就是只有一个 acceptor. proposer 发送提案给 acceptor, acceptor 选择它接收到的第一个提案 value
来源: Paxos Lecture
What if acceptor crashes after choosing? 问题是如果 acceptor 在选择一个 value 后崩溃了, 该怎么办?
So, instead of a single acceptor, we use multiple Acceptors - If one acceptor crashes, chosen value still available.
所以, 为了避免单点故障, 我们使用多个 Acceptors; 如果一个 acceptor 故障, 依然可以继续选择 value.
来源: Paxos Lecture
Acceptors accepts only first value if receives?
If simultaneous proposals, no value might be chosen
有了多个 acceptors 之后, 出现的几个问题是
每个 acceptor 都只接受它收到的第一个 value 吗?
如果出现多个 proposal, 可能出现 split vote (split brain?)
Acceptors must sometimes accept multiple (different) values
Acceptor 有时必须要接受多个(可能不同) value
Value is chosen if accepted by majority of acceptors
value v
被选择仅当它被过半数的 acceptor 所接受
Acceptor accepts every value it receives?
Accept 应该接受每个它收到的 value 吗?
Could choose multiple values
这样会导致有多个不同 value 被选中
来源: Paxos Lecture
Once a value has been chosen, future proposals must propose/choose the same value (2-phase protocol)
来源: Paxos Lecture
Once we choose one value, any competing proposals have to somehow be aborted that is in this case we somehow need for server 3 to actually reject that red acceptance request after it has already accepted blue and the way we will do this is that we are going to place an order on the proposals where newer proposals take precedence over older proposals.
Each proposal has a unique number
Higher number take priority over lower numbers
It must be possible for a proposer to choose a new proposal number higher than anything it has seen/used before
One simple approach
Each server stores maxRound
: the largest Round Number it has seen so far
To generate a new proposal number: increment maxRound
, concatenate with server id
Proposers must persistent maxRound
on stable storage: must not reuse proposal numbers after crash/restart
Phase 1: broadcast Prepare RPCs 广播 Prepare RPC
Find out about any chosen values 获取任何已被选定的 value
Block older proposals that have not yet completed 阻止未完结的旧提议
Phase 2: broadcast Accept RPCs 广播 Accept RPC
考虑二组 Proposal/Accept, P3.1 A3.1 P4.5 A4.5 交叉的三种可能情形(枚取所有可能的排列)
P.3.1 -> A3.1 -> P4.5 -> A4.5
来源: Paxos Lecture
P.3.1 -> P4.5 -> A3.1 -> A4.5
New proposer will use existing value
Both proposers can succeed
来源: Paxos Lecture
P.3.1 -> P4.5 -> A4.5 -> A3.1
New proposer chooses its own value
Old proposal blocked (or rejected)
来源: Paxos Lecture
来源: Paxos Lecture
One solution: randomized delay before restarting
Multi-Paxos will use leader election instead
Safety requirement
During configuration changes, it must not be possible for different majorities to choose different values for the same log entry.
Select one of the servers to act as leader
Detect crashes, choose new leader
来源: Paxos Lecture
Stable storage, preserved during failures, is used to maintain the information that the acceptor must remember.
Each proposer remember the highest-numbered proposal it has tried to issue, and begins phase 1 with a higher proposal number than it has already used.