


Assume a collection of processes that can propose values. A consensus algorithm ensures that a single one among the proposed values is chosen.

假定一组进程可以提交 value, 一致性算法需要确保在提交的 value 中有且只有一个 value 被选定.

Paxos 最先由 Leslie Lamport 在 1990 提交的一篇别出心裁的论文中描述, 最终在 1998 年正式发表, 标题为 “The Part-Time Parliament”.

Assume that agents can communicate with one another by sending mes- sages. We use the customary asynchronous, non-Byzantine model, in which:

There are three roles in the consensus algorithm be performed by three classes of agents: proposers, acceptors, and learners: proposers that can propose values, acceptors that choose a single value, and learners that learn what value has been chosen.

在 Paxos 算法中有 3 种角色, Proposer, Acceptor, and Learner: proposers 可以提议一个 value, acceptors 从中选择一个 value, learner 学习哪个 value 被选择.

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